Add a product guide


How to add a product guide?

How to add a profuct guide?

How to add a profuct guide?

Learn how to add a product guide to MYQRGUIDE platform


How to Add A Product Guide


1. On your dashboard main window, click on ‘ADD A GUIDE +


2. Start filling in the product information

'General' Tab

Guide name – type in the name you want to give to your guide. 

SKU – If you know the SKU of the product, enter it here

ASIN - If you know the ASIN for the product, enter it here

Serial No. / Product ID - Enter the product's Serial No. or Product ID if you have

Category - Choose the product's relevant category from the list (please note it doesn't have to match the eCommerce platform category)

Subcategory - Choose the relevant Subcategory from the list (please note it doesn't have to match the eCommerce platform Subcategory )

Sub Subcategory - Choose the relevant Sub Subcategory from the list (please note it doesn't have to match the eCommerce platform Sub Subcategory).




*You can suggest your own Category, Subcategory, or Subsubcategory. Click on the +Add. A window will popup, write inside the category name, and choose the main category if needed, finally press save.
If this category is necessary, we will approve it and your product's guide details will be automatically updated. 



Unit Choose the relevant measurement unit from the dropdown list, or add your own, by choosing "other".


Tags To add a tag, simply write a term and press 'ENTER' on your keyboard. 



You can upload images by clicking inside the image placement, browsing your device, and choosing your desired image to upload.

You can upload up to 10 Main Images of 1:1 ratio, we recommend 1080 X 1080 px, and 1 Thumbnail Image of 435X300 px. For best visibility, we recommend uploading images that fit those sizes.



To add a video to your guide:

1. Click on the right arrow on the ‘video provider’ field and choose from which platform you would like to extract your video: YouTube, Video, Dailymotion, Amazon.

2. Insert the video link inside the ‘video URL’ field.

If you don’t have a designed guide, contact us by pressing on the blue link, and we will help you create the perfect video guide for your product.


'Meta Tag'

The Meta Title, Description, and Picture are what usually shows up when your page appears on Google or any other search engine. 

Editing those fields will help to improve your SEO and appearance on search results.


Meta TitleOften used as the title in search results. It's recommended to keep it shorter between 55 and 65 characters long. Your meta title should give users a brief, concise and comprehensible impression of what the page is about and why it is relevant for them. Contain the most important keywords for the SEO of your webpage (guide); the most important keyword should always come first.
In total, up to four keywords can be used. Word repetitions and spelling errors should be avoided. Moreover, if the title consists of several terms, they should not be separated by a hyphen, but rather by a vertical line "|". 

Description A meta description is used to describe the content of a web page. Meta descriptions will appear below the page title and URL in the search engine results (Google, etc.)
Here are a few quick tips to help you write a powerful Meta Description: 

  • Make it meaningful and descriptive, matching your content
  • Aim for about 1-2 sentences long. To remain visible within Google, keep your Meta Description somewhere between 140-160 characters
  • Include your target keyword
  • Write a description that conveys your product’s unique selling point.
  • Target an emotion, make an emotional appeal with your message
  • Include CTA (Call To Action) 

Meta Image – This image will be identified with your guide (your webpage) in the search results. Choose the most relevant image to your guide, band, an image that will send out the right message to your customers.

To upload an image, click inside the frame and choose an image from your device, or simply drag an image into the frame.



'External link'

This option allows customers to be redirected to an eCommerce platform and buy the product, with a click of a button.

Select the relevant eCommerce platform, Amazon or eBay, and insert the product ASIN in the field below.

If you wish to redirect visitors to a different eCommerce platform, such as Shopify, Walmart, etc; choose ‘other’ on the dropdown list and enter the relevant URL link.