Introduction to FREE USER dashboard

Introduction to FREE USER dashboard

Introduction to FREE USER dashboard

Introduction to FREE USER dashboard

How to see your purchase history?

How to view and manage your products' warranties applications?

How to view and manage your membership club registration?

Introduction to FREE USER dashboard

Let's get to know your FREE USER account.

How to see your Purchase history?

Learn how to see and manage your purchase history?

How to view and manage your products' warranties applications?

How to view and manage your membership club registration?

Learn how to view and manage your membership club registration?

Introduction to FREE USER dashboard

As a Free User, you can

  • View different products guides
  • Upload your own product guide (including video and photos)
  • Follow favorite products’ guides
  • Manage your products’ warranties
  • Communicate directly with sellers by opening a support ticket or using the online chat
  • Manage your registered membership clubs
  • View your purchase history

Let’s get familiar with your dashboard

To enter your own dashboard, sign in to your account and press the ‘Home’ icon on the left side menu.

On the main dashboard window, you can see

  • The number of products warranties you are signed to. Clicking on it will provide you with a more detailed overview of your warranties.
  • The number of clubs that you are registered to. Clicking on it will provide you with a more detailed overview of your clubs’ registrations.
  • ‘My tickets’ will show you the number of support tickets you have submitted to sellers. To see more details on each ticket or open a new one, simply click on this icon.
  • Clicking on ‘My chat logs’ will take you directly to an online chat where you can communicate with different sellers (that you have registered to their Mini Sites), and see your previous correspondence with them.
  • Add a product guide
  • Manage your profile
  • View your latest purchase history on MYQRGUIDE. Clicking on the green button ‘View all’ will open a detailed history of all your previous purchases.
  • Upgrade your account

you can see messages, notifications, logout



Purchase History - Here you can see all the previous purchases you made on MYQRGUIDE platform. To learn more, click here.


Site warranty - Here you can view and manage all your products’ warranties applications. To learn more, click here.

Registered clubs – Here you can see and manage all the Club Memberships you have joined to. To learn more, click here.


Support ticket – Here you can communicate with Mini Sites’ sellers directly. Ask them questions, receive customer service & support. To learn how to open a ticket to a seller and follow up on its status, click here.

Site follow list – Here you can see the list of product guides and Mini Sites that you have chosen to follow.

Profile – Here you can edit your username, upload a profile photo, and change your account password.
Remember to click the red button ‘Update profile’ for changes to take effect.


Chat – Here you can online chat with sellers and view your recent correspondence. To learn more about the Online Chat option, click here.


Mini Sites History – A list of all your latest Mini Sites that you have visited. You can renter those Mini-Site quickly and easily from here.

Product Guides – Here you can see all the product guides that you have added to MYQRGUIDE platform.


How to see your purchase history?

To view your purchase history, simply click on the Chart Icon on the left side menu, or you can press on the green button on your main dashboard window “View all”.  

Here you can see all your previous purchases you made on MYQRGUIDE platform according to

  • The product names
  • Date of purchase
  • The amount you paid
  • Delivery status
  • If you applied for product warranty than you will also see the warranty period.

You can also preform a free search and decide how many purchases you wish to see in the window: 10,25,50,100.

How to view and manage your products' warranties applications? 

To view your products' warranties , simply click on the Box Icon on the left side menu, or you can press on the green button on ‘My warranties’ from main dashboard window.  

Here you can view and manage all your products’ warranties applications.

You can see

  • To which product the warranty application is related
  • How long the warranty is for
  • The status of your application: ‘claimed’ means the seller approved your application, ‘pending’ means it is still under the seller’s review.
  • Contact the seller via WhatsApp by clicking on the green button with the WhatsApp icon(if the seller provided this option)
  • View your application details, by clicking on the eye icon and download those details by clicking on the right button next to it.


How to view and manage your membership club registration? 

To view the membership clubs you have registered to, simply click on the QR Icon on the left side menu, or you can press on ‘Club’ from main dashboard window.  

Here you can view and manage all your clubs’ registrations.

You can see

  • The place you have registered from
  • The email you used to registered with
  • The contact number you have provided to the seller
  • The DOB you provided
  • Delete your club membership registration